Home > News > FMS. Press Releases. > Faculty of Management Science Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University congratulations to Professor Dr. Ladaporn Pithak on the occasion of being elected to the position “Committee of the Faculty and Civil Service Council No. 8”
Faculty of Management Science Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University congratulations to Professor Dr. Ladaporn Pithak on the occasion of being elected to the position “Committee of the Faculty and Civil Service Council No. 8”

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2024-05-30 17:23:16

Faculty of Management Science Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Congratulations to Professor Dr. Ladaporn Pitak.
Lecturer in Marketing Department
On the occasion of being elected to the position
“Committee of the Faculty and Civil Service Council No. 8”
(Type of representative of permanent faculty)

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