On May 31 at 9:30 a.m., Assistant Professor Dr. Somsak Klaysung, Dean of the Faculty of Management Science along with Professor Runglaksmi Rodkham, lecturer in the accounting department Participate in the royal merit-making ceremony on the occasion of the anniversary of the Lord Buddha. Her Majesty Queen Sunandha Kumariratana Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (31 May, 144th Anniversary of Diwangkot Day) organized by the Office of Arts and Culture. with Associate Professor Dr. Chutikarn Sriwiboon, President of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University presiding over the ceremony Place a tray of shrubs (at the Royal Tomb), light incense sticks and candles to worship the Triple Gem. Light incense sticks and candles. Monks chant Buddhist mantras fry requiem cloth The monks listened to the equipment. and offered the four requisites of Thai Dhamma and a lunch meal at Phra Wihan Noi, Wat Ratchabophit Sathit Maha Simaram. There are university administrators. Education unit administrator Campus administrators Education centers and personnel attended the ceremony in unison.
relations work Faculty of Management
of Management Science Suan
of Management Science, Suan Sunandha
Rajabhat University
#Faculty of
Management Science works and
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