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Faculty of Management Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University welcomes DIMA students from the Republic of Korea to join a short training course on media production for marketing and Thai cultural exchange.

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2025-01-15 09:32:35

         On January 8, 2025 at 4:00 PM, the Faculty of Management Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Chutima Klaysung, Dean of the Faculty of Management Science, along with  Dr. Pitimanus Banlue, Deputy Dean for Administration,  Dr. Yutthaphum Thanakitborisut, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs,  Dr. Itthiphum Phromma, Deputy Dean for Planning and Quality Assurance, Assistant Professor Dr. Nattapong Techarattanaset, Deputy Dean for Research and Academic Services, Assistant Professor Dr. Pongsawee Supanonth, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Miss Jiraporn Chanwichian, Deputy Dean for Business Development and Revenue Generation, Dr. Kwanchat Wongchanthip, Lecturer in the Department of Accounting, and Miss Khajeerat Phumphruek, Lecturer in the Department of Human Resource Management, welcomed Miss Kung Boyoung, lecturers and students from Dong Ah Institute of Media and Arts, Republic of Korea. On the occasion of visiting Thailand for cultural exchange through the short-term training program on media production for marketing and Thai cultural exchange in 2025, which was honored by Assistant Professor Dr. Somsak Klaysung, Vice President for Student Affairs, as the chairman of the opening ceremony of the project and Assistant Professor Dr. Chutima Klaysung, Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences, who gave a welcome speech. There were academic support personnel from the Faculty, students of the Faculty of Management Sciences Student Club, and representatives of students from the short-term training exchange program on media production for marketing and Thai cultural exchange, batch 1, who also gave a welcome, with Ms. Darin Thongjamnong as an interpreter in the communication at the Mini Theater room, Building 57, 6th floor, Faculty of Management Sciences. After the opening ceremony, personnel and representatives of students from the short-term training exchange program on media production for marketing and Thai cultural exchange, batch 1, led a team of lecturers and students from Dong Ah Institute of Media and Arts, Republic of Korea, to visit the Sai Sutthanabhod Building Museum, which is another important cultural heritage site of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. With the honor of Mr. Rawirot Singlampong as a lecturer and leading students to visit the learning center, along with providing information on the history, lifestyle, and local wisdom of people in the past.
            For the short-term training project on media production for marketing and Thai cultural exchange in 2025, it was held on January 8-17, 2025, which organized activities to study and learn about culture in various forms, such as learning about media production for marketing, learning about Thai language, culture, and traditions, etc.
     The Faculty of Management Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University has a policy to continuously support activities in cooperation with foreign networks in order to increase the ability to build relationships with networks and expand international recognition in accordance with the university's strategy. The objectives of the project are to create a system and mechanism to drive quality foreign networks, support the driving of activities with foreign networks, develop or increase cooperation with foreign networks to benefit the university, and to learn and exchange knowledge in arts and culture.

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